A fantastic grading day was held yesterday . We are extremely pleased with the results achieved by those who took part and especially to our two new Black Belts Faye Humphries and Lewis Hitchen
They were fully tested on everything and pressure tested 100%, they set a wonderful example for those lower grades who watched them.
We are very proud of both of them and they are a fantastic addition to our Black Belt ranks. Their training has been constantly disrupted this past year but they never once stopped and just adapted whether we went online, in a field, in a car park, just about anywhere we had to before making the move back to the gym. They never gave anything less than 100%.
Well done to the rest of those who took part, with a special mention going to Leighton Jostmeier. He sadly failed his grading last time, but has never stopped working hard since, making the improvements required and yesterday achieved his Brown Belt and is now stronger for the experience. Well done Leighton.